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Each of our courses comes with a free sample class. Browse the individual course pages to find more than 18 hours of free classes. Look for the Audio Player on each individual course page with this flower Logo:
Take Individual Courses
We offer comprehensive training at all levels of herbalism through our certificate programs. Each individual course in those programs is also available as a stand-alone course.
You may purchase the recordings notes, slides and supplemental readings for any course for self-study without any further obligation.
With additional enrollment and tuition payment, you may take the course with faculty mentoring, and earn a Continuing Education Certificate for the hours of the course.
Browse Courses by Topic
See the individual courses arranged by topic at this page. You can see courses in the categories of Materia Medica, Formulation, Acute Therapeutics, Chronic Disease Therapeutics, Nutrition/Dietetics/Metabolism, and Clinical Skills
Browse Courses by Program
See the individual courses arranged by Certificate Program at this page. Our programs are Foundations in Western Herbalism (3 courses), Advanced Western Materia Medica (6 courses), Western Clinical Herbalism (7 courses), and Advanced Clinical Skills (6 courses).
Comprehensive Course List
Full list of Courses with descriptions

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