Medical Herbalism Journal
The NAIMH published the Medical Herbalism print journal for twenty-five years, from 1989 until 2014. At the time of its publication and for many years afterward, it was the only journal of its type in the modern era devoted exclusively to clinical herbalism. The journal features articles and case studies from some of the leading herbal clinicians in the U.S. and the U.K. More than 800 pages of free article reprints from1989 to 2001 can be found below
Twelve free full issues from 2001-2005 can be found here
Full text PDF issues from 2001-2005
Classic Herbal Texts
Contemporary medical herbalism has been greatly enhanced by the reprinting of classical herbal texts from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries when several schools of medicine used herbs extensively and documented their uses in textbooks. Many of the audio courses from the NAIMH include a library of selected texts from this collection with a resources disk. You can download several of the best of them here:
Physiomedical Dispensatory by William Cook, MD, 1869. The most significant writer in the Physiomedicalist tradition, practicing and teaching from the 1840s through the 1890s. The materia medica listings give not only the therapeutic uses, but methods of preparing different forms. The section on Therapeutics is an excellent primer on Vitalist therapeutics. Download
Physiomedical Therapeutics, Materia Medica, and Pharmacy by T.J. Lyle MD 1898. Representing the pinnacle of American Physiomedical practice, this text contains useful formulas for many of the herbs listed. This book was reprinted and used as the main textbook in the British School of Physiomedicalism during the mid-twentieth century. Download
Diseases of Women and Children, by Sarah Webb MD. 1922. Webb practiced Physiomedical medicine in a hospital setting, running a ward for women and children. Download
American Materia Medica, Therapeutics, and Pharmacognosy. 1919. Finley Ellingwood MD. This tradition is one of the most useful textbooks from the Eclectic Medical tradition. Ellingwood represented the Chicago School of that medical profession. Download
The Eclectic Materia Medica, Pharmacology, and Therapeutics 1922. Harvey Felter M.D. Felter represented the Cincinnati School of the Eclectic medical profession. Download
Boericke's Tinctures
The Homeopath Wm Boericke was a contemporary of the Eclectic herbal physicians around the turn of the 20th century. there was a lot of cross-information between the two schools in that period, and in addition, Beoricke used a large number of herbal medicines(about 20% of the items in his classic text, in tincture form (1:10 homeopathic mother tincture). The insights of the homeopaths into many of our common herbal remedies can be useful to fill out some dimensions of their indications. Download