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Courses by Category
You can also see the courses below listed by Certificate Program
Materia Medica (See related Continuing Education lectures on Materia Medica)
Practical Herbalism: The Practical Uses of 50 Herbs
Herbal Safety Seminar
Materia Medica Differentials and Herbal Analogues
Herbs for the Spiritual Heart
Working with the Heavy Cannabis User
Practical Uses of Garlic
Formulation (See related Continuing Education lectures on Formulation)
Practical Herbalism:The Practical Uses of 50 Herbs
Advanced Herbal Actions and Formulation
Herbal Pairing and Modular Formulation
Therapeutics: Acute conditions (See related Continuing Lectures on Acute conditions)
Practical Herbalism the Practical Uses of fifty Herbs
Vitalist Treatment of Acute Symptoms Album 1 Vitalist Treatment of Acute symptoms Album 2
Influenza-pathophysiology-and-natural-therapeutics Free Course
Infectious Disease I: Viral Infections
Infectious Disease II: Bacteria, Biofilms and Chronic Infection
Therapeutics: Chronic Conditions (See related Continuing Education lectures on Chronic Conditions)
Detoxification, Alteratives, and the Liver
Systemic Inflammation, Food Intolerance, and Autoimmunity
Introduction to Insulin Resistance
Insulin Resistance, Pathophysiology and Natural Therapeutics
Obesity, Metabolism, and Ethics in Weight Loss
Fatigue: Pathophysiology, Natural Therapeutics, and Adaptogens
Working with the Heavy Cannabis User
Nutrition Dietetics and Metabolism (See related Continuing Education lectures on Nutrition and Metabolism)
Nutrition in the Herbal Paradigm
Systemic Inflammation, Food Intolerance, and Autoimmunity
Introduction to Insulin Resistance
Insulin Resistance, Pathophysiology and Natural Therapeutics
Obesity, Metabolism, and Ethics in Weight Loss
Clinical Skills (See related Continuing Lectures on Clinical Skills)
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