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Free Lecture from this Course: 

Ketones and Ketosis Paul Bergner
00:00 / 46:33




  • Learn the basic pathophysiology of insulin resistance and it role in modern chronic disease

  • Learn the anthropology of insulin resistance, and see what normal health and blood parameters are in our close hunter gatherer relatives.

  • Learn how to assess insulin resistance through blood work

  • Learn how to assess a patient for insulin resistance using nothing more than an interview and a tape measure.

  • Learn the role of basic nutrients essential to normal insulin function

  • Learn the role of trained muscle status on overall insulin and glucose effects in the body

  • Learn the role of glycemic index, glycemic load, and total carbohydrate percentage in insulin resistance

  • Learn the basic science of a ketogenic diet

  • Learn how to prepare a patient for ketosis in stages to reduce the unpleasantness of the induction phase

  • Learn how to coach a patient for a complete ketogenic diet.

  • Learn herbs which may benefit insulin and insulin resistance, as opposed to simply lowering blood sugar

  • Learn how to use a basic insulin resistance protocol in the treatment of prediabetes, diabetes, vascular diseases, cancers, neurological diseases, and reproductive dysfunction, including PCOS



Insulin resistance is the root pathology not only of Type II diabetes, but also contributes to heart disease, stroke, obesity, hypertension, several common cancers, and other conditions ranging from polycystic ovarian disease to acne to brittle bones and depression. It is a pathology fundamental to the “diseases of civilization.” Although cell level pathology is complex, the roots of this condition are based in malnutrition in the basic nutrients that regulate insulin, untrained muscle mass, and imbalances in the carbohydrate content of the diet. Correcting these three roots of insulin resistance, along with herbal allies to help restore imbalance, can cause some chronic diseases to resolve in a matter of weeks to months. In this course you will learn the pathophysiology of insulin resistance, and the influence of diet, exercise, nutrition and herbs on the condition. You will gain understanding and competence in the clinical application of protocols based on the material learned.



With this course you receive 19 audio modules, 19 pages of lecture notes, and 110 pages of supplemental readings. Students enrolled in our courses are also eligible for a 10% discount on purchases at Mountain Rose Herbs.


Each lesson includes an average or 3 hours of lecture and readings.

Lesson 1. The Pathophysiology of Insulin Resistance 1

Lesson 2. The Pathophysiology of Insulin Resistance 2

Lesson 3. The Influence of Stress and Sleep Debt on Insulin Resistance

Lesson 4. Exercise therapeutics, Growth Hormone, and Insulin Resistance

Lesson 5. Pathophysiology of Diabetes Types I and II

Lesson 6. Therapeutics for Insulin Resistance, Obesity, and Diabetes 1

Lesson 7. Therapeutics for Insulin Resistance, Obesity, and Diabetes 2

Lesson 8. Therapeutics for Insulin Resistance, Obesity, and Diabetes 3


Enrollment for Credit

To enroll in the course, receive faculty support, and to earn the Continuing Education certificate, follow these steps:

  1. Purchase the Audio Course at our Online Store. The CD-Rom set may be purchased without further enrollment in the course or any tuition payment..

  2. When you receive it, open the data disk file, and print out the application form. Send it in with the $185 tuition. 

  3. You will be assigned a faculty mentor. This entitles you to student support and faculty contact for eight weeks after the enrollment is received and we notify you of your faculty contact. 

  4. Read the instructions for obtaining CE credit in the read-me-first file.

  5. Look over the CE questions and review them before listening to the disks.

  6. Complete any assignments and answer the CE questions for each disk.

  7. You will then receive a certificate reflecting 36 hours of CE credit.


Paul Bergner delivered this material in an Advanced pre-clinical program at the North American Institute of Medical Herbalism in Boulder, CO. Paul has had a professional specialty in insulin resistance and since 1999. You can learn more about him at our Faculty page.


About This Course
 Hours:       36
        Term:         8 weeks
  Materials    $149
            Tuition:   $185 (optional)
This course may be taken stand-alone, or as one of the four courses in the  Western Clinical Herbalism Certificate

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