Free Lecture from this Course:
The forces of life and nature tend inherently toward healing, restoration, and the preservation and evolution of life within an individual. Acute symptoms are an expression of that same life force, and are essentially healing in nature. In treating acute symptoms, the practitioner walks a fine line between relieving suffering of the chief complaint, and suppressing the inherent healing forces of nature. This course demonstrates non-suppressive, supportive treatments for the major symptomatic complaints.
Advanced Content
This material was recorded from a post-graduate class of clinical students who had just completed 1200 hours of training. It was designed to help them pull together all the elements of their education into focused and effective approaches to the presenting complaints of their patients. Although we present this course in our Foundations of Western Herbalism certificate, you can see that it is advanced and practical clinical material.
This 12-lesson course covers the physiology, pathology, nutrition, pharmacology, herbal actions, and vitalist and constitutional considerations for acute symptoms whether as primary complaints or part of a larger presentation of chronic disease. You will learn non-suppressive and supportive treatments for digestion, tooth and gum problems, heartburn, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids, dysbiosis, blood purification, acne, eczema, poison ivy/oak, wounds, minor burns, boils, skin ulcers, fatigue, insomnia, depression, anxiety, pain, excess mucous, cough, sore throat, asthma, allergies, eye problems, fever, colds, influenza, urinary tract infections, menstrual complaints, and support for pregnancy and lactation.
With this course you receive the mp3 audio versions of 30 audio disks, 190 pages of notes, a PDF library of 36 classical texts in medical herbalism, more than 800 pages of article reprints from the Medical Herbalism Journal, a PDF copy of The Healing Power of Ginseng and the Tonic Herbs and the Folk Remedy Database, both by Paul Bergner. Students enrolled in our courses are also eligible for a 10% discount on purchases at Mountain Rose Herbs.
Each lesson includes an average of 6 hours of lecture, readings, study, and examination.
Lesson 1. Upper, Middle, and Lower Gastrointestinal Tract Conditions
Lesson 2. Blood purifiers, alteratives, the Bad Blood Symdrome, and the Skin
Lesson 3. External and internal treatments for the skin
Lesson 4. Wounds, burns, and chronic ulcers
Lesson 5. Catarrh, chronic mucous, and lymphatic conditions
Lesson 6. Fever
Lesson 7. Coughs, Eyes, and Ears
Lesson 8. Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia
Lesson 9. Pain
Lesson 10. Bladder and Kidney
Lesson 11. Menses
Lesson 12. Pregnancy and breast health
Further down on this page you can find Faculty Biographies, and a List of Tracks of the 30 CDs
Enrollment for Credit
To enroll in the course, receive faculty support, and to earn the Continuing Education certificate, follow these steps:
Purchase the audio course materials at our Online Store. You will need to obtain both Album I and Album II for the course course. These audio sets and supporting materials may be purchased without further enrollment in the course or any tuition payment if you wish to use them for self-study.
Open the read-me-first and , and print out the application form. Send it in with tuition of $360. This entitles you to student support and faculty contact for twenty-four weeks after the enrollment is received. You may request an extension.
Read the instructions for obtaining CE credit in the read-me-first file.
Look over the CE questions and review them before listening to the disks.
Complete any assignments and answer the CE questions for each disk.
You will receive a certificate reflecting 72 hours of CE credit.
Paul Bergner is director of the North American Institute of Medical Herbalism. See faculty bio.